WularData Refund Policy

Last Updated: 1st January 2024

Every paid product available on WularData Cloud, irrespective of its pricing model, is required to have a clearly defined refund policy for software charges. This policy should outline the terms and conditions of the refund and provide a method for buyers to contact the seller to request a refund. While sellers have flexibility in determining the specifics of their refund policy, it is recommended to consider offering customers a reasonable refund option for product usage. Sellers are obligated to adhere to the refund policies they have publicly posted. This information covers the various types of refund requests for WularData products & Services, the associated policy, approval procedures, and guidelines on submitting a refund request on behalf of a customer.

Customers have the option to request various types of refunds for products & Services. For Products & Services sold by WularData, customers should consult the refund policy page and then utilize the contact us form available on the WularData Site to submit a request. In cases where customers seek a software refund directly from WDLC, they will be guided to contact the seller through the provided support contact information for the specific product. Refunds related to WDLC infrastructure charges are at the discretion of WularData and are managed independently of software refunds.

Refund policy and approvals

The WularData Products & Services refund policy is outlined as follows, specifying instances where your approval is required:

1. Free Trials:
  • WDLC can issue refunds for software charges within seven days of a conversion from a free trial to a paid subscription without requiring your approval.
  • Enabling a free trial implies your agreement to this policy.
2. Private Offers:
  • Refunds for private offers need explicit authorization from you before WDLC processes them.
3. Software Metering Refunds:
  • If you use the WDLC Metering Service to meter software usage, WDLC can issue refunds for charges resulting from metering errors on your behalf.
  • Refunds related to the WDLC Metering Service require confirmation from the seller once but do not necessitate confirmation for each individual refund.
  • Using the WDLC Metering Service indicates your acceptance of this policy.
4. Subscription Cancellation within 48 Hours of Purchase:
  • If a buyer cancels their subscription within 48 hours of a non-private offer purchase, WDLC will issue a full refund, and no action is needed from you.
  • After 48 hours, buyer requests for cancellation are at your discretion.
5. Subscription Upgrade:
  • WDLC can issue refunds for the lower-tier subscription when a buyer replaces an existing non-private offer subscription with a more expensive or equal-value subscription.
  • This process involves the buyer purchasing a new subscription and then requesting cancellation of the old subscription with a refund.
6. Subscription Downgrade:
  • Refund requests for downgrade subscriptions require your explicit authorization before WDLC can process them.

All refunds authorized by WDLC are automated and do not require any action on your part. Your agreement with these policies is implied by listing your product on WularData Cloud.

WularData product refund process

To initiate refunds for your product’s software usage, you can use the Contact Us Page. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to request a refund for either an external customer or an internal testing account:

1. Collect the following information from the customer:

  • Customer’s email address associated with their WDLC account.
  • WularData account number used to subscribe to your product. If they are the payer for an organization, remind them to provide the WDLC account ID for the linked account subscribed to your product.
  • Billing periods for which the customer seeks a refund.

2. Sign in to your WDLC account and navigate to the Contact Us Form.

3. Complete the form by entering the required information.

4. Submit the form, and WDLC will be notified to begin processing the refund for the customer.

5. An outbound case will be created in the WDLC Support Center with status information on the request.

6. Once processed, the refund will reflect in the customer’s account within 24–48 hours. However, it may take up to five business days for the funds to appear in the customer’s financial account.

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